From traditionally elegant walls to innovative architectural and interactive pieces, each donor recognition wall reflects the spirit of giving and expresses your church's unique vision and style.
Botticcino Classico St. Mary's Church Middletown, NJ
Boticcino Classico marble is the background for 3/8" thick glass with black screened copy. Individual 3" oxidized brass letters title the wall. A multi dimensional mahogany cross is the focal point of the display.
Glass plaques with polished arise edges have printed images and colors on the back. Inscriptions are printed on the face of this donor recognition wall. The descriptive plaque is frosted glass with the inscription printed on the face. The glass is mounted to wall hung steel rods. Individual satin aluminum letters on risers title the design.
Corian® frames, satin brass individual letters and plates and a glass covered photograph for the centerpiece are all mounted to sweeping oak panels, edged with fluted columns.
446- ¾” thick Jerusalem Gold stone rock shapes are mounted to an outdoor brick wall. Donor inscriptions are engraved and black-filled. A center title plaque has descriptive information about the wall. The overall size is 81”x 198”.
Photographs and copy are printed on (6) 35” x 11” multi-elevation aluminum panels. The school logo, mission statement and an aluminum and black Plexiglas cross are mounted to a 38" x 20” frosted Plexiglas panel. 3” individual satin aluminum letters title the wall.
(5) 10" x 8" aluminum panels honoring the post founders are mounted to the far right of the wall.
Heroes of Faith New Hope Baptist Church Jackson, Jackson, MS
This unique recognition wall accommodates 2 ½” x 8” satin aluminum plates mounted to ¼” frosted acrylic panels.
Titles are printed in blue on the acrylic panels. Blue painted aluminum letters are mounted directly to the wall.
Satin and blue painted aluminum bars accent the design,
Providing A Future Light Of The World Catholic Church Littleton, CO
This custom recognition wall has donor names printed in black on replaceable clear acetates sandwiched between acrylic plaques. The center circle is fabricated from brush aluminum laminated to black Sintra. A cherry board with printed aluminum text titles the wall; aluminum bars accent the design.
Memorials Saint Catherine Laboure Church Harrisburg, PA
30” x 12” x 3/8” frosted acrylic panels have copy printed on the face.
The panels float in front of a 40” x 75” x 3/8” acrylic wave background with color printed on the back.
Shaped satin aluminum bars accent the wall.
65” x 42 ” x ¾” oak Custom Add A Name Plaques with ornamental borders have donor names printed on satin brass plates.
The titles and descriptive information are printed on the boards in gold colored ink. Brass crosses are mounted above the printed titles.
Building A Legacy Tipton Christian Academy Covington, TN
Inscriptions and photos are printed on 3/8” thick glass plaques; donor levels are distinguished by plaque size. Blue painted aluminum letters and the school’s cross logo are mounted directly to the wall.
Engraved maple plaques are mounted to a multi-elevational maple and mahogany book. The central brass “bookmark" and logo are the focal point of this unique donor wall.
Building Mercy Mount Country Day School Cumberland, RI
Midnight blue Corian recognition plates and individual title letters are mounted to an oak board. The white cross and white screened text is outstanding against the dark blue background. Oak frames with changeable pictures are incorporated.
Sacred Heart Founders Wall Sacred Heart Catholic Church Patterson, CA
12- 20”x 20” acrylic plaques with printed navy-blue copy recognize donors. 3- 14” acrylic circle plaques recognize larger donations and center dedication. Individual aluminum letters painted navy-blue title the wall.
An artistic, colorful updateable display. Donor names are printed on replaceable clear acetates sandwiched between clear Plexiglas and Plexiglas with laminated graphics.