W & E Baum has been building relationships in the Christian community for over 100 years. Our custom donor recognition designs and memorials grace churches and Christian organizations throughout the nation permanently honoring church stewards, builders, donors and volunteers.
From traditionally elegant walls to innovative architectural and interactive pieces, each donor recognition wall reflects the spirit of giving and expresses your church's unique vision and style.
Pews and Chairs
"Giving Trees" present a wonderful way for parishioners to celebrate life cycle events. Births, communions, confirmations, birthdays, weddings and anniversaries may all be marked by donating leaves on the church donor tree.
Donor levels can be clearly differentiated by using many of the tree accessories illustrated below. Our donor tree designs can be altered to accommodate these features.
A blend of old world craftsmanship and state of the art technology is used to create the finest quality cast bronze and cast aluminum plaques. Click here for more information about plaque castings and casting specifications.
Inscriptions, logos and images are printed or sandblasted on beautiful glass plaques, custom fabricated to fit any recognition or memorial need. Contact us to discuss your plaque options.
Custom engraved, printed and etched indoor and outdoor plaques are fabricated in a multitude of materials, sizes and finishes. Contact us to discuss your plaque options.
Unique one of a kind awards, medallions and sculptures in a multitude of mediums. We also have hundreds of stock award designs. Contact us to design and manufacture your next award.
The Bronze Memorial Tablet strengthens your faith-based community while providing a steady stream of income over time. Designed to offer worshippers the opportunity to prayerfully reflect upon the cherished life of a deceased loved one. The name and date of passing of a parishioner’s loved one is eternally displayed at the prayer station.
Custom individual letters and logos are cut in brass, bronze, aluminum, stainless steel, acrylic, Corian® and wood. Cast metal letters are available in bronze and aluminum. We offer a wide variety of sizes and styles. Contact us to design and manufacture your next letter project.
Add-A-Name plaques are utilized for ongoing recognition. Acknowledge your volunteers, donors, Stewardship Committee members, administrators, principals, teachers, students, etc., with unique, custom designs or stock items.
Traditional and electronic bulletin boards and directory designs for office buildings, churches, synagogues, JCC's and Y's. All boards and directories come in a variety of sizes, styles, materials and colors to choose from.